Slot waveguide ring resonator modulator

Coupled-ring-resonator-based silicon modulator for

Wavelength division multiplexed and double- port ... Wavelength division multiplexed and double- ... polymer hybrid slot waveguide ring-resonator modulator,” Opt. Express 19(5), 3952-3961 (2011). ... pairs by spontaneous four wave mixing (SFWM) [10-14]. Entangled photon pair generation using Si ring resonators was theoretically studied in [15], and polarization entangled photon ... Periodic waveguide structures for on-chip modulation and ... Periodic waveguide structures for on-chip modulation and sensing Xiaochuan Xu1,2*, Chi-Jui Chung2, Zeyu Pan 2, Hai Yan , ... The SWG waveguide ring resonator has a bulk sensitivity more than 400nm/RIU, which is much higher than its strip waveguide ... slot waveguide and the slow light enhancement from the 1D Cascaded uncoupled dual-ring modulator - Columbia University

Silicon Polymer Hybrid Slot Waveguide Ring Resonator Modulator

Low-voltage and low-loss silicon modulator based on Low-voltage and low-loss silicon modulator based on carrier accumulation using a vertical slot waveguide Abstract: We optimized a silicon ring resonator modulator embedding a low-voltage and low-loss vertical Capacitive phase shifter. It exhibits an extinction ratio of 10 dB at 2 V pp, Silicon-on-Insulator Slot Waveguides: Theory and The presented hybrid-waveguide ring resonator consisting of a slot waveguide implemented in a strip waveguide-based ring resonator has a set of characteristics, which makes it an excellent and unique candidate for low power switches and modulators in the field of optical communication systems. Slot waveguide microring modulator on InP membrane Slot waveguide microring modulator on InP membrane S. Andreou, 1 A.J. Millan Mejia, 1 M.K. Smit, 1 and J.J.G.M. Van der Tol 1 1 Photonic Integration Group (PhI), Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, The Netherlands We investigate through simulations a slot waveguide based microring modulator in an

Slot waveguide ring resonators coated by an atomic layer deposited organic/inorganic nanolaminate A. Autere,1,∗ L. Karvonen,1 A. Sayn¨ ¨atjoki, 1,2 M. Roussey,2 E. Farm,¨ 3

In this work, we have demonstrated a hybrid silicon/polymer ring resonator electro-optic (EO) modulator with a temperature-independent modulation. The waveguide consisted of an ultrathin silicon core with an EO polymer cladding.

slot waveguide modulators that, when realized in a Mach-Zehnder .... tuning sensitivity of silicon-on-insulator optical ring resonators,” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol.

Coupled-ring-resonator-based silicon modulator for enhanced ...

We demonstrate a ring-resonator modulator based on a silicon-polymer hybrid slot waveguide with a tunability of 12.7 pm/V at RF speeds and a bandwidth of 1 GHz, for optical wavelengths near 1550 nm.

OSA | Silicon-polymer hybrid slot waveguide ring-resonator We demonstrate a ring-resonator modulator based on a silicon-polymer hybrid slot waveguide with a tunability of 12.7 pm/V at RF speeds and a bandwidth of 1 GHz, for optical wavelengths near 1550 nm. Our slot waveguides were fabricated with 193 nm optical lithography, as opposed to the electron beam lithography used for previous results. The tunability is comparable to some of the best ring Silicon Polymer Hybrid Slot Waveguide Ring Resonator Modulator Silicon-polymer hybrid slot waveguide ring-resonator modulator . Our aluminium profile t slot extrusion results silicon polymer hybrid slot waveguide ring resonator modulator suggest that a new class of detectors based on nonlinear optics may be practical.and M.Luo, J. Silicon Polymer Hybrid Slot Waveguide Ring Resonator Modulator

Silicon-polymer hybrid slot waveguide ring-resonator modulator. | PubFacts PubFacts seeks to make the world's scientific research easy to locate, access, and collaborate on. 'HVLJQDQGFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQRI0(06RSWLFDO Junctions Arranged along ... deformation, while for the slot-ring resonator, only a very small deformation is sufficient to modulate the output light when the ring resonator has a high Q-value.